“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” - Carl Jung.
A 14 day container. Evidence based brainwave technology. Data driven results for participants. A community to support you in your journey inwards.
Feeling blocked somewhere in your life, unsure what the answer is to unf*ck yourself? Been looking outside of yourself for the answers?
Want to tap into a high voltage inner capacity? And create life from your deeper essence so your life lights you up?
Want a new orientation to creating healthful, mature, loving relationships?
Ready to kick an addiction?
Time to live from your purpose or create more meaning in your life?
A 2 week practice container to go deep….
Want to skip the details?
Here are the need-to-knows:
When: Friday, Mar 28 - Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
7 Live Sessions
Spread across 2 weekends and 2 mid week nights
Weekend 1:
Fri, Mar 28: 2 hours (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
Sat, Mar 29: 5 hours (10:00am - 4:00pm with a break)
Sun, Mar 30 5 hours (10:00am - 4:00pm with a break)
Midweek Sessions:
Thurs, Apr 3: 2 hours (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
Wed, Apr 9: 2 hours (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
Weekend 2:
Sat, Apr 12: 5 hours (10:00am - 400pm with a break)
Sun, Apr 13: 5 hours (10:00am - 400pm with a break)
Who for: anyone who wants to feel a sense of deeper meaning in their lives. Anyone who wants to feel a stronger connection to their intuition, to de-code the meaning of their triggering and create movement and healing in those places, and those who want to feel more at cause, rather than at effect in their lives.
What: evidence based brainwave practices designed specifically for you which teach you how to stay conscious while engaging with your subconscious, the place where all the super juicy content about you, your dreams and desires and your next right steps on your healing journey and so much more live waiting to be discovered and engaged with by you. A practice container with accountability measures such as surveys and regular check ins to support you fully in staying on track with your intent you set for the course.
Why: to increase feeling at cause in your life, to grow your self esteem and self trust. To feel empowered to navigate triggering in a new way, so you feel generally better about being in your body and leaning in in relationships. To be inspired to live from deeper meaning and your sense of truth. To get clear about what you want to create in your life from a place of deep revelation. To receive the support in taking responsibility for how you will achieve this.
Where: Saturday in person sessions in Woronora at an exquisite boat access only venue. Other sessions are online.
Cost: $400 ($150 for resits)
Firstly this is not a woo woo course, of that I can promise you. All practices are evidence based and deeply rooted in robust scientific research. They will leave you feeling expanded, open and more connected to your inner wisdom and higher guidance.
Second, you do the practices we specifically tailor for you and this will be your experience. Period.
Third, if you do not experience these things, we want you to have 100% of your money back”
And here’s the detailed version:
This course is for you if you wish -
for rich nourishing connection
for soulful inner exploration
to work through challenges in your close relationships
to understand more deeply chronic health issues
to shift long standing addictive patterns
to have evidence based tools that will help to regulate your emotions and move into soulful connection with yourself
to see past blocks to knowing what you deeply desire and how to get there
to make things happen that are meaningful or important to you if you are challenged by discipline, structure or what the next right steps are to move forward in your life.
A B O U T ?
You brain waves are one of the main drivers of the quality of your lived experience day to day and thus understanding how to alter them is a game changer in terms of shifting the quality of your life and relationships.
Ever felt at times like your life is lacking a sense of feeling in purpose? Or like you are not connected to your spirit or whatever name you give to that sense of deeper meaning in your life? For some people they only feel this sense of purpose or deep connection when they are steeped in a workshop environment. We want something different for you. In this course we will show you why that is occurring and how to change it.
You can live connected from this place daily and your brain, believe it or not has a huge role in this outcome.
You will learn how to hack states of consciousness, so you have a means to alter your state, at choice.
You will learn how to drop into deep states of consciousness to communicate with your subconscious
This will have you gaining deep insight into the depths of you and what your body and subconscious have been trying to communicate to you. It is here that the correct guidance about your next right steps towards that which truly lights you up resides.
Understanding the language of your subconscious and how to navigate it, along with some additional parts-work skills we teach you, will give you the know-how to access and unburden parts of you that are hurt or burdened by past memories of pain, within your unconscious. Knowing how to traverse the subconscious terrain we feel is a superpower.
Come and get connected to that which deeply inspires you: filled up by being in deep connection with yourself and each other.
Course Dates
Weekend Immersion 1
Fri, Mar 28: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Sat, Mar 29:
10:00am - 12:30pm
1:30pm - 4:00pm
Sun, Mar 30:
10:00am - 12:30pm
1:30pm - 4:00pm
Midweek Online Sessions
Thurs, Apr 3: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Wed, Apr 9: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Weekend Immersion 2
Sat, Apr 12:
10:00am - 12:30pm
1:30pm - 4:00pm
Sun, Apr 13:
10:00am - 12:30pm
1:30pm - 4:00pm
Required In Your Own Time:
40 mins for daily guided meditation + journaling process
5 mins participation on the online community daily (as a minimum)
Course Facilitators
We are long-time devoted meditation and embodiment practitioners.
We know that the benefits of consistently showing up far outweighs the allure and comfort of mindless living, and the distraction of day to day demands, in which we intermittently forget who we are and what we came here for.
We know that creating habits can be challenging, as can be breaking not so good ones. These challenges are more easily surpassed within a group practice field.
We will support you through the journey and we have learned that no deep, long lasting change happens quickly, rather the opposite, it occurs incrementally over time. Thus our intention for this journey and hope for the participants is that, with a longer container, each person will have the space and time to experience changes within themselves that are long lasting and extend beyond the 2 weeks we are in the container together.